
Illustration Friday « Electricity »


8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

So simple yet so effective. Nice!

atomicvelvetsigh disse...

ohh this is so cool! reminds me of the song "feed me with your kiss" by my bloody valentine as well as their EP Glider

- atomicvelvetsigh.blogspot.com

Raluca disse...

nice and toucheing idea!

Eric Barclay disse...

Very nice design! I really like your seed illustration as well- must have missed that one last week. Great work!

ed disse...

Bright idea and amazing image composition! Wonderful!

Anónimo disse...

É caso para dizer: Still Electrifieng After All These Years ;P !!! Boa Escolha

Catalina Alvarez disse...


Anónimo disse...

I love the abstract simplicity of this and that it takes a moment to "get", but it is there to be "gotten" :-)